NHS Preservation Pledge
I will do everything in my power to support an NHS which is:
Free at the point of use;
Comprehensive in its coverage;
Adequately resourced to provide a high service level;
Funded through progressive taxation; and
Governed on behalf of patients and taxpayers
Specifically, if elected, I will:
Oppose at every opportunity any further increase in co-payment (e.g. higher prescription charges, charges for services which are currently free, etc)
Oppose at every opportunity any further reduction in capacity or coverage (no treatments stop being available on the NHS; no local facilities closed)
Oppose at every opportunity any seat on local NHS Integrated Care Boards being given to corporate members who have a legal duty to their shareholders rather than patients and taxpayers.
Sign the Pledge: Email love@nhs2.uk
To sign the NHS Preservation Pledge, please email your Name and Ward to love@nhs2.uk